Support the Catholic causes closest to your heart
The Catholic Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania is a key resource to manage assets, generate perpetual income, and create financial stability for the Catholic parishes, educational institutions, and non-profits. Its promise is straightforward: to ensure Catholic organizations have future income so that they may fulfill their mission — in perpetuum — forever.

Foundation News
Forever Stories

The Catholic Foundation helped me realize my dream of helping youth in our parish. By starting the Youth Ministry Endowment Fund now, I could see the impact while I was...

Knowing the impact Catholic education had on our lives, Christine and I wanted current and future OLPH students to have the same opportunity. I quickly discovered that the Catholic Foundation’s...

It made sense for Nativity High School to open these funds with the Catholic Foundation. The board is considering establishing other scholarship endowment funds to keep the cost of tuition...

An endowment fund with the Catholic Foundation is truly the gift that keeps on giving. St. Theresa’s Parish was blessed a few years ago to receive a generous gift from...

When the Catholic Foundation started five years ago, I saw it as an opportunity to ensure the financial future of our parish. After careful study and with the consideration of...

We immediately saw the value of transferring the assets of Allentown Central Catholic's Green & Gold (G&G) Fund to the Catholic Foundation. It made sense to move the Green &...