Perpetual Funds Maintain Cemeteries, Ease Budget Pressure on Parishes

Perpetual Funds Maintain Cemeteries, Ease Budget Pressure on Parishes

Cemetery funds are essential for the long-term maintenance and upkeep of Catholic cemeteries. A cemetery fund can provide a reliable and sustainable source of income to cover ongoing costs such as landscaping, monument preservation, and general maintenance. The Catholic Foundation manages 24 cemetery funds for parishes located in the Diocese of Allentown. These perpetual care funds relieve the budget pressures placed on a parish to maintain these properties. Endowment Funds…

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Spring Into Action and Make an Impact on Your Favorite Catholic Cause

Spring Into Action and Make an Impact on Your Favorite Catholic Cause

During his homily on Divine Mercy Sunday (4/16/2023), Deacon Chris Kinsella shared a powerful message of renewal to the congregation attending the 9 AM Mass at St. Thomas More Church in Allentown, Pennsylvania.  He said if we choose to believe, Easter, and the days following it, provides all of us with a fresh start – a new beginning to practice our faith. It is an intentional spring cleaning of our…

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Priest Starts Endowment to Support Future of Diaconate ministry

Priest Starts Endowment to Support Future of Diaconate ministry

Eight years ago, Monsignor Michael Chaback, then the Director of the Office for Permanent Diaconate Formation for the Diocese of Allentown, presented 47 men to then Bishop John Barres to be ordained as deacons. You read that number correctly: four – seven. According to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University, which studies church trends and demographics, it was the largest class of deacons in…

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The future success of your favorite Catholic cause started with you …

The future success of your favorite Catholic cause started with you

The future success of your favorite Catholic cause started with you … … and your strategic gift to an endowment fund. During the past five years, close to 500 donors made more than 600 gifts to endowment funds managed by the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania to support their favorite Catholic causes. This is tremendous.  Thank you. And thanks to those same donors, the Catholic Foundation has grown to more than…

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Due Diligence Pays Off, Donors Establish Catholic School Fund

Due Diligence Pays Off, Donors Establish Catholic School Fund

Catholic school education has played an integral part in Michael and Christine Ippoliti’s lives. Both are graduates of Catholic schools. As long-time parishioners of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Bethlehem, the Ippolitis’ four daughters are alumna of OLPH elementary school. Michael also serves on the OLPH School Board. “Knowing the impact Catholic education had on our lives, Christine and I wanted current and future OLPH students to have…

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Catholic Schools Week Celebrates Key Outcomes of Catholic Education

Catholic Schools Week Celebrates Key Outcomes of Catholic Education

Each year, Catholic Schools Week recognizes the unique strengths that are at the heart of Catholic education: rigorous academics, unwavering faith, guiding principles, and service to others. It is because of these strengths that almost 50% of endowment funds invested by donors with the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania support Catholic schools and scholarships. “Strong academic outcomes anchored by our Catholic faith are why our donors believe in Catholic schools,” Pete…

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